Sunday, September 11, 2011

First weekend of final term

Had a fairly good weekend. I worked Saturday morning and for 'Saturday Morning Club' (like a creative class) we got the girls to find pictures in magazines/off the internet of things they liked and make collages, then cut the collage into the shape of another favourite thing. We were actually really impressed with some of them. Don't know if I mentioned at the start of the year, but the art done by the girls at this school is just amazing, so above the standard you would expect from up-to-14 year olds. We didn't really get up to much else, lunch came and my shift ended :)

I went down to town with Aisling, we just did a bit of a Primark jewellery scavenge and ended up with a couple of things each. Speaking of jewellery, one of my girls from last year who's now in an older house gave me a ring the other day, which she thought was 'really my style' and I love it. So sweet!

We headed into the shopping centre and came across some random fashion show. We watched a few struts then moved on. It was a bit rainy so we headed for Tesco, got some drinks in case we decided to go out (we didn't). On the way to get a taxi (hey, alcohol is heavy) we popped into a new place where everything is £10 or under and I got yet another skirt and Aisling got a top for £5 each. Score! And obviously a trip into town isn't complete without a visit to Poundworld, and I was not disappointed - came out £2 poorer with 2 packs of Halloween false nails!

I tried to clean my room for over an hour then headed over to the flat to join Aisling and Rose, with my bed completely covered with piles of random crap. We watched How I Met Your Mother and Friends and just generally chilled. I stayed over since I couldn't be bothered going back at any stage.

This morning I slept till 10am then went for a run. I know! I'd brought all my running gear over with me last night to motivate myself. It wasn't my best run ever but even the fact that I'm actually out there is, in itself, an accomplishment. Came back and did some stretches, showered, put washing on and tried to fix up my room a bit. Productive morning :)

I started work at lunch time. Lunch was sunday roast as usual, or for us vegetarians, lentil/potato bake. After lunch we had a bit of a relax, the girls did what they wanted, etc. Then we went over to school and played games with the other houses. There were some getting-to-know-you games, which I needed too, considering there are so many new girls! Our new ones are settling in pretty well, apart from the occasional homesickness. They also had to mummify a member of their groups - they looked so good all lined up, wrapped in toilet paper, with jewellery/glasses/lipstick for added effect - and answer some quizzes. Hardly any groups knew the capital of Australia and even less put down Aus as one of the continents. Very disappointed.

Then we had a surprise birthday dinner for Amanda, whose milestone birthday was a couple of weeks ago, in the holidays. It didn't work quite as well as we'd hoped, we weren't quite ready when she came in but it was still good. Dinner itself wasn't that special but Sam had made yummy cupcakes for the staff for dessert. I gave Amanda my present when we got back, 'birthday biscuits' from Fortnum & Mason. A few of the girls decided to raid the dress-up cupboard and came in in scary masks/fluro construction worker vests/silly hats and I ended up with a Santa ho ho ho hat on.

Summer still to come :)

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