Thursday, April 7, 2011

It's 7.15pm here, and we leave in about 6 hours to catch the bus which will take us to the airport, headed for Milan, and then onwards to Venice, Rome, Istanbul and other parts of Turkey.

Pretty exciting, but honestly, I'm not feeling it yet. I just weighed my bag and it's 12.5kg - with our EasyJet flight over, there are only size restrictions but the other flights have weight restrictions of 10kg and 8kg respectively. We think we can check in luggage on those flights though. It's also just having that weight on my back, and I don't even have any jumpers in there...

I'm also nervous because none of us speak Italian. I know everywhere in Europe people speak English, but it's only my second time in a country where the first language isn't Enlgish and at least in Germany I could understand a bit of what the locals said.

I know, I know, it'll be fine, it'll be enlightening, it'll be amazing, but I'm just scared.

Ciao for now, back late on the 29th - Royal Wedding day!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Feeling pretty good right now. Today I walked down and up the hill, played a bit of tennis with some of the older boarders and just finished an hour aerobics workout with Georgie & Aisling from a video from 1990 they got at an op shop this morning.

The trip to town wasn't particularly interesting, just picking up things like bandaids, moisturiser, and lip balm (they don't have Lucas' Papaw over here :( BUT I found a site that ships it). I also picked up a belt for £2 at another op shop I hadn't been to before.

Yesterday I spent the day going through all 15GB of my photos and am pleased to say I only have 700+ photos from Berlin now as opposed to the original 1000+. We also played tennis before dinner last night which was good, I love how social it is. We had lots of fun playing 'it's still in!' rules. We watched 10 Things I hate About You after dinner, good Friday night in (there was not even mention of going out, we were all so tired).

I'm heading off for an early night tonight seeing as I have been exhausted for the last week and we leave in 6 days!!! Still have a few things to do, and I have barely even looked up what to do in Milan, Venice, Rome and Istanbul, let alone started packing!

Just did this post in 10 minutes... which means I can and should do it more often and it will be easier to read.